Monday, May 11, 2009

I woke up this morning feeling different. I had not felt like this in years and I was not sure how to handle it. I felt good and alive. Empty of burden and abandoned by pain. My conversation with Ronald Batzcavich really helped me realize all that I have missed out of life in the past five decades. Strange how that works. A man younger than you embracing you with wisdom and knowledge. today will be a good day. It will be a day that ends all my pain and suffering. I will do away with all the things that I have used in my life to cover up my disadvantages. Louis A can stay somewhere while I roam the streets freely. That bottle of booze I had purchased earlier in the week will stay locked away in my bag. Sure I am blind but I don't need a dog to see. I might hate my current situation but getting drunk is not going to take that away. I want today to be pure. I walked down the street. Not slow, nor fast. people would move for me cause I sure the hell cant and try to avoid them. There might be a streetlamp or a trash can jutting from the ground but that's ok. When I heard other footsteps around me I turned and said "hi" and "good morning". I got responses from everyone I passed and some weird guy named Robert started following me. I had know idea what that was about. I don't know why anyone would follow me I don't even know where I am going. I could get them killed if they were to close behind. Robert freaked me out a bit but I was on a quizzical high. I felt the terrain of the side walk get progressively bumpier. I must be on Main St. and nearing the corner to Palaski Ave. I heard a bus go by. It must be one of the big yellow ones people were always talking about. And I heard two dogs barking. one deep and loud, the other high and annoying. I could picture the dogs one much bigger than the other just staring each other down. Their owners trying to pull them apart and continue on their desired destination. Music played in one of the shops and I thought back to my days in the band and the camaraderie I had. The side walk took an unexpected dip, almost like a small step, and I barely caught myself. I took a few more steps and saw white. The darkness was gone only to be relplaced by a bright light.